Really no where to fill tanks between Fajardo and St. Thomas at this time (I read somewhere that they are working on a solution to that). We bought a bunch of gallon jugs for drinking water and even to rinse dishes in a pinch - and we also went to the USVI and refilled out tanks there. However, going to the USVI and back from the SVIs isn't a quick trip and I'd only recommend that if you actually want to go to the USVI. You could also bring some jerry cans filled with water and then refill them ashore when they are empty. Maybe Sailcaribe has some lying around for that purpose. Otherwise conserve water or you might find yourself making a mid-trip return to Fajardo to refill the tanks.


P.S. Not sure if it's your cup of tea, but we took a slip at Yacht Haven Grande in St. Thomas on our last trip to the islands and had a nice relaxing (and civilized) time there. It wouldn't be a bad mid-trip stop to refill tanks, do some laundry, swim in the pool, have a good meal or two ashore, restock provisions, etc... The only issue may be if the winds are up it can be a rough trip from the SVIs - but the trip back is a downwind sleigh ride.

Last edited by snmhanson; 08/12/2015 12:05 PM.