That isn't solo to me but....I get why you say that. That is a team of two and you should have no problem since you have experience with grabbing it already. If he approaches correctly you should have plenty of time to do what you need to do. What I have done with my mates is, I tie the lines off well before the approach on the starboard and port bow cleats and I have my mate just concentrate on one cleat line, not both! I have her secure one line and then I shut it down and then I go forward and secure the second line myself and adjust both lines. It takes a lot of the pressure off of her having to try and secure both cleat lines. So, simply put....what you wrote is correct but, I complete everything....I feel better knowing that everything is secured properly.;10765;405/st/20220331/e/USVI+and+BVI/dt/0/k/05ce/event.png