have used that recipe many times for a beef loin, use a thermometer probe with an external alarm for 115F (we like it rare!)...
let it rest for 20 minutes and it gets to 120-125F... Perfect!
I NEVER rely on timings, only the thermometer...
Best recipe I have found...

I agree. One other thing to do that will improve the flavor is to let it sit in your refrigerator for several days covered by a cotton towel, change the towel daily. This allows to meat to dry improving the flavor. Not quite the same as the longer term dry aging processes used in fine restaurants. Got this tip from Alton Brown. I've cooked tenderloins with a rock salt crust, an herbal crust, various versions of the soy marinade (sear a marinated roast), but lately am happiest with a garlic paste, kosher salt and ground pepper. Here's a tip from the Fat White Guys Cookbook. For a good Bernaise sauce buy the package of Knoors dry mix. Use half and half instead of milk and add a generous portion of tarragon.

p.s. got a thermometer probe at Target for under $20 that works great. I swear by it for anything I roast. I hate overcooked meat. And the additional cooking it does after removal makes tracking the temp essential.