And I think there's probably a reason for not finding steamed Caribbean lobsters, though I don't know that as a fact. And in honestly, I don't put lobster Thermidor in the same category as grilled lobster, but that's me.

I once complained to an island chef about a very well-done (as in over cooked) grilled lobster (from another location and I did so in the course of explaining why I wanted a smaller lobster....) and I opined that perhaps it was over cooked and dry because it was a very large lobster.

He told me that 'size really doesn't matter' - <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> - and it's more a matter of the Chef doing a good job or not. Now we often order one very large lobster at our two favorite places and share it, and I haven't had a bad one since. We actually shared a seven pounder last year at Skipjacks that was out of this world delicious. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat