Re: The Baths. I have had decent luck departing Marina Cay or Trellis at first light for the Baths. By first light, I mean that I am up before dawn and we are off the mooring ball as soon as we can see. Each time, there were only one or two other boats in the mooring field at the Baths when we arrived (not sure of the exact time, but it was early), and the paths through the boulders were practically deserted. Great, great time to visit.

However, the last time I went, my two crew members had some difficulty swimming in from the dinghy line. I was surprised by this. Lots of chatter on this site about swimming into the Baths. Turns out that it is tougher than it looks for middle-aged men in 'average' shape.

Also the early mornings tend to be tranquil and beautiful, so you'll probably have a spectacular 'sail' over to the Baths.

Last edited by c388791; 01/14/2016 06:25 AM.