Glad we all could help. Over the years we have been visiting St. Martin we adapted our expectations and plans to the reality of the sunrise and sunset times. We stay at Club Orient and usually can sleep until about 7 am when the sun is fully risen and pouring in through the mini-suite windows. We pick up our pastry orded at LaBotique when they open the doors at 8 am and have a nice breakfast back in our unit and hit the beach around 9am.

In the afternoon we head back to the unit around 4 pm as the sun starts to move towards the mountains to the west so we can wash off the sand, shower, and dress for our dinner trip to Grand Case. We head to the group of amazing restaurants around 6 pm, read the menu boards, and are seated just before sunset...if we have chosen one on the water side we get to watch the sunset and the lights come on over on Anguilla as we enjoy our appetizers.

After dinner we return to Club O for a nightcap and then turn in around 9 or 10 pm to sleep until the early sunrise wakes us again the next day.

After our first trip in the late 1990s we learned to adjust our schedule to the sun's... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
