I want to thank everyone for their advice prior to my first trip to Paris. It was wonderful and we LOVED every second of it. Just a quick trip report and photos...

We stayed at a beautiful apartment I had found on VRBO near the Eiffel Tower and Rue Cler markets. It was the perfect location for us and a great neighborhood.

The sights: We saw the Palace of Versailles, a bus tour of the city, a visit to the Eiffel Tower, a cruise on the Seinne, the Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur.

Didn't get to see all of Montmartre like I had hoped or Giverny...maybe, hopefully, another time. We squeezed in as much as we could...and probably tried to do a little too much.

My favorites were Versailles, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower at night.

My dad gave us this trip as a gift and insisted on paying for everything, so we didn't want to make him go broke on all the meals. We ate at pretty moderate bistros and cafes most of the time, but the food was incredible. We especially loved strolling around Rue Cler Markets and enjoyed our last meal at the Central Cafe in Rue Cler.

I had no problems finding our way around the city, we used the metro most of the time. Whoever said don't use the metro at rushhour was right! We had one bad experience were all 5 of us couldn't even squeeze on so we had to separate on 3 different trains! That was not fun! We also witnessed a purse snatching on a metro platform opposite from us...the guy who did it was circling us just moments before, but we had our eye on him. That was a little unnerving. You can never let your guard down on the metro...we learned that the hard way. Other than those few incidents, we had a perfect trip and everything about Paris exceeded my expectations...I loved it!

I hope you enjoy my pictures!

Paris Pics