Auto Rental - Tropical Tropicana great as ussual.

Ate at:
(Ratings indicated are for these visits only and not meant to represent otherwise.)
Temptations - Twice - 10 x 2 = 20
Citrus - 9
La Gondola - 9
Baris Bistro - 10
Chesterfields - 8
Cheri's - 3
Hot Tomatoes - 4
Boo Boo Jam's - Twice 6 (Euro $$$ equal).

Gambled at:

Atlantis - 6 nights (+ $$$$)
PDP - 2 nights (- $$)
Old Ligntning 1 night (-$$$)
Royal - 5 nights (+$$$$$$$ craps 70%)

Beached at:

Cupecoy 100% of time.

Tid Bit

Boo Boo Jams Capt. Rubens' brother is the person owning and completing the vacant large building on Orient. It was stated he is nearing completion (whatever that means) of a resurant, 2 levels with swimming pool in rear ( could not get an answer "why a pool?").

Remember the Monolith
Paul & Marion