Here's the trip report...Carol please move it on over to the trip report archives if you'd like! Thanks!<br><br>Flying into VG & Tortola on the little 8-seater Air Sunshine plane was about as good as it gets! It was like having a moving map of the US & BVIs right under your nose. The dirt runway at VG is also a sight, makes you realize just how remote the area is. Then, however, I was shocked (both good shocked & bad shocked)to see that the airport on Tortola is undergoing a huge expansion project! What are they doing to our little piece of Heaven? I knew it couln't remain a secret forever, but big change often brings big tourism. The ride over to Cane Garden Bay was wonderful. This was our 4th trip to Tortola & we had never been to any of the north shore beaches, so this was all new. Josiah's & Brewer's Bay looked fabulous from the hilltop. I must say that the roads on the north side of Tortola are not any better or less treacherous than the rest of the island! <br><br>We stayed at Elm Beach Suites which is very casual, nothing fancy. The room we had was very nice, living room with sleeper sofa, fully stocked kitchen, bath & bedroom with king bed, AC & cable TV. The view of the sea from our patio was blocked a bit, I would request an upstairs room next time. Elvet & Sharon Myers that own the place are very nice people & hard workers. I was surprised at how young they are, from all the posts on here I just assumed they were older, even retired. Not so. I'd guess they are both late 30's to early 40's, and very proud of their hotel. <br><br>What everyone told me on this site held true for CGB. Directly to your left out of Elm is Stanley's, then Myetts. Baby Bull Water Taxi is right in fron of Elm. Diectly to your right of Elm is Rhymer's, Big Banana, Glen's Pleasure Power Boat & Watersports Rental, then Quito's Gazebo. We ate the 1st night at Myett's which in my opinion was the "fanciest" and most expensive place on the Bay. Our luggage hadn't arrived so we were there in our travelling clothes, and we were VERY dressed up in our long pants & collared shirts (oh yeah, and shoes...I don't think you even need to have your shoes on in Myett's!) The food was excellent. We also dined for dinner at Big Banana, Quito's and had Elvet's BBQ at Elm. Don't miss this BBQ...for $9.50 it's the best deal, chicken or ribs with coconut rice, baked beans and corn on the cob. Elm is usually closed for dinner, except for Fri. and Sun. nights when the BBQ is on. We only found 2 places serving breakfast on CGB, Big Banana & Rhymers. Rhymer's has a great Rhymer's Special for $6...can beat it...2 eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, juice & coffe. We tried Big Banana for breakfast one morning & paid a lot more for less food. There are also 2 grocery stores on CGB if you want to stock your room with drinks & food. Prices are about double to triple U.S. prices.<br><br>Cruise ship passengers swarmed CGB one day, we should have known to get out. If you are there & decide to stay, head to the west end of the beach where it will be less crowded. We went to the west end of the beach where the Mongoose Apartments, Indigo House & Cane Garden Bay House are (thanks to all of you that helped me identify these places!) Indigo House & Cane Garden Bay House look fabulous to rent. I prefer a secluded, quiet strech of beach, so next time I will definitely look into one of those places to rent. CGB was quiet during the day, but the nights we were there it did tend to be loud until after midnight. We just turned up the AC & it didn't bother us at all. My one complaint was the crowing rooster that started at 4:45 every morning!! There is live music at 2 or more places on CGB every night, be sure to check Limin Times to see who will be where. We saw & thoroughly enjoyed Reggie Georges, Lover Boys & Quito Rhymer. <br><br>I had posted a question regarding the dress code, if any, at CGB. Everyone on this board posted the funniest responses & now I understand why. You could wear the same thing day in & day out, without running a comb through your hair or putting on shoes, and no one would care. No one. Our luggage didn't arrive until the 2nd day we were there & we fit right in. There are definitely no "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs anywhere on CGB, even at Myett's. We took our shoes off on day one & didn't put them back on til we had to leave. <br><br>We took Glen's Water Taxi over to Jost Van Dyke for a day. We spent a fabulous morning at White Bay, which I think has to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We talked to the owner's of Sandcastle & would like to stay there sometime as well. The Soggy Dollar was packed with day trippers like ourselves, so we took a taxi over to Foxy's & had lunch & painkillers. We got to see Foxy come in on his boat, he had been out fishing & caught a 4 foot fish. We watched him & his buddies clean & gut the fish for dinner. That was the 1st time we had gotten to meet Foxy himself, so that made the day worthwhile. <br><br>All in all we loved our trip & had a fabulous time. Since I am a fanatic about staying on a very secluded beach with little or no people, I would most likey opt to stay at the western end of CGB next time. It sure is nice however, to be able to walk to whatever you need...groceries, food, bars, post office, etc. I would highly recommend Elm Beach Suites to anyone looking for a nice place to stay on CGB that is very reasonably priced. The staff there was great, they helped us recover our lost luggage & answered any questions we had. <br><br>The trip home was uneventful, long & sad, but as you all know, has to be done! A trip to Sunny Caribbee on the way to the airport topped off the trip (I only use Sunny Caribbee spices...they are by far the best. That is my excuse to go to Tortola as much as we can...I need more spices!!) <br><br>