This is an unusual time of year for us but was chosen to celebrate Lorraine's retirement last week. Everything is pretty much the same except for a few things:

Iguanas everywhere! Really cool creatures and they are sorta tame. They come up very close and stare at you waiting to be fed. I didn't do so and was rewarded with an iguana poop right at the patio. The doves are also tame. They might be pigeons, I don't know the difference but "doves" sounds so much nicer. One keeps landing on my table and struting around so I can appreciate his beauty but I think they are better off with bugs and seeds than what I have to offer.

We took the trouble to find some clothes and walk up to Orange Fever on Friday and had a lovely lunch. Today was Aloha and was fantastic. We kinda wanted to go to Kakao but felt we should visit our favorites on Ramshackle Row before they tear it all down next month.

Not much else going on here, just the usual. Run around naked, splash in the ocean, eat drink and be merry then dance the night away. The resort looks great and we got the best chalet we've ever had (thank you Jim And Mary Ruos, and thanks for the basket and card for Lorraine!).

Having a great time, and are a bit surprised at how many people we know here given that we never have been here in May.
