Dr. Hubert O'Neal, Ninth District Representative is an MD and Opthamologist there should be some STEM intellegence there. Deepwater ports are massive complex engineering and construction enterprises. At this point in history that is just not going to happen in the BVI. The BVI is just to many decades behind the competition. There is simply no way to raise the money and no way catch up with the competition already spending billions to stay ahead. Miami is spending over $2 Billion just to deepen their port for the new ships.

Either Dr. O'Neal is mislead and clueless here or there is some other cryptic political path in the stew. The very real issue is the lack of a long term sustainable revenue plan for the BVI. Is Anegada self sustaining and a positive contributor today? What does Dr. O'Neal really want.

Container Terminal:

[Linked Image]

Grand Turk Beach Front Cruise Ship Facility:

[Linked Image]