
I am not disagreeing with you or the other posters that this idea is stupid. It also probably won't happen, as my understanding is that this whole business about transshipment ports relates to the recent widening of the Panama Canal. From what I have read, everybody wants to build a transshipment port, but ultimately, there will not be very many in the Caribbean. And the BVI is too late. And broke, although the Chinese might build it for them. Except that it's too late. Hubert is posturing, and/or looking to enrich a relative or friend with yet another "feasibility study".

You seem to be ignoring that the BVI, unlike the USA, does not have a bicameral legislative branch. While I am not sure how the districting is done, the nine electoral districts had very similar total vote counts (approximately 1000-1200) in the 2015 election, implying similarily sized electorates. Virgin Gorda and Anegada make up the 9th District. The 2010 census lists Anegada at 285 residents and Virgin Gorda with 3939 out of the 28054 shown for the entire BVI. But you think Anegada should be the 10th District? As I said before, it ain't gonna happen.

"Outside child" is an island term for a bastard, and historically, that is how the citizens and residents of JVD, Anegada, and even to a limited extent Virgin Gorda have been treated. Doesn't make it right, but it's true.

There is an oft-repeated thread on TTOL-BVI that "the government shouldn't do this or that, that they are ruining our tropical paradise, where we have been vacationing for once a week for twenty years." You can be right all you want, but ultimately it's their country, and their country to screw up, if that's what they choose to do. And owning property there, as you do, buys you nothing, you can't vote, and unless you've jumped through some serious hoops, you cannot even live there more than 6 months out of the year in the house you own. Or rent it out (legally) when you're not there.

And I do care.