We have a Weber with Stainless Steel grills...
I never oil mine...
and I only turn my burgers once...
If the grill is hot enough (500F+) after about 3 minutes, the burgers should be carmelized enough to just lift off the grill...

BTW... I clean my grills when I cook... leave them dirty between uses... so they don't corrode between uses...
Yes, even S/S will corrode, esp. if you are in a salt water environment...
I let them get to 500F and then clean with a brass wire brush...
Let the temp get back up to 500F+ again, and then put the burgers on...
IMO, the ceramic covered grills are worthless... get the S/S ones to replace...
we also replaced the ceramic "falvorizer bars" with S/S...
I was sick of the ceramic covered ones rusting out...

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{