Latest from web site:
"Just came up from Lay Bay, which is the rocky beach where Flamingo and La Vista resorts are located, and the breaking waves there are already huge by normal standards. And Irma is not even close to us yet. This beach is located on the middle of the south side of the island. Not sure how the north coast is faring at the moment. Winds here for most of the morning have been only a light to moderate breeze, with occasional periods of gusts estimated at 15-20kts, and which seem to be happening more frequently as the day progresses.

I also saw a lot of people putting final touches to preparations, boarding up, taking down signs and canvases, even strapping down the roofs of smaller huts and shops at the beach. It seems this time the majority of persons are taking the situation very seriously, as it should be, even the Caribbean die-hard optimists that usually go by "it will pass and nothing will happen" motto. Lets hope we will still have an island left by the end of this situation.

Alex at Pelican Key"

[color:"blue"]Gary V [/color]

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