Wendell....We are booked for April...we come very April. I cannot even fathom not coming in April. But it will take years to rebuild....so my head says...i have to rebook a new location...but my heart is screaming NO.

I just went upstairs and looked in the closet at all the "things" we bring to SXM. All the things that make our mini suite our home...decorations....bird feeders....table cloth....you name it...a suitcase full of stuff. Stuff...stuff that makes our time there so special.

and i saw the bowl i bought just for the cat i always feed...GREY....did he survive??? oh god....i cant bear the thought they he did not make it.

My memories are beautiful...but right now...i am overcome with sadness..like i have a death in my family...and i don't know what to do next...my mind is all over the place.

I can't imagine what the residents are thinking...and how their lives are so disrupted ...and how they have lost everything. All I lost was a vacation place....my life will go on. They have nothing ....complete devastation.

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