sasasal said:
Well so far we have no contact from Island. the house could be in rubbles and we have no clue. We have no choice buy in time to try and repair.. This is our property... If its massive destruction? not sure... But we do know, people that live on Island and have no place to run must endure this, People that had an income will not have any for a long time. vacationers can move on we can not...

You are not the only one impacted and that owns property on the island. I hope your damage is minimal if any but you do not have to comment about owning property in every post you make. I think you have made it very clear you own and are stressed, just like others and not near to the extent island residents and locals are.

I asked you earlier, did the thought of a hurricane occur when you made the decision to buy property on the island? Do you have insurance? If you have insurance, relax a little, let things play out and once commercial air traffic is allowed I am sure you will get to see your property.
