If you are considering chartering a crewed boat to sail the Caribbean you will want to avoid the Marolanga. We have serious concerns about the “captain’s” fitness and are hoping that he soon receives the medical attention he needs. The “captain” repeatedly made racist statements and refused to “sail” the catamaran to those places that were agreed to prior to signing the charter contract. I have placed the word sail in quotes deliberately, for the 3 days we were on the Marolanga the engine was always engaged when the catamaran was moving. On the second day of the charter the “captain” told us that he needs surgery for a detached retina or he would go blind and that he has mobility issues are a result of knee damage. Note that we were only on the Marolanga for 3 days, this despite the fact we charter the boat and crew for 7 days. The crews’ (Gus and Marcella Korman) behavior became so intolerable that we ditched in Culebra.