Thanks Jeepers and Carol for getting this. Holy smack! This menu has been expanded way beyond what I remember from Kakao and our last visit there in April, 2017. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I truly don't remember all of those 'high-end' dishes. What a great selection of food and drink being offered here. Prices look to be a tad higher, but that's okay. From past visits we would typically eat a late lunch/early dinner here around 3 o-clock or so (followed by a shot of their latest specialty rum, of course). Then, they'd start packing things up around 4 as the cruise ship visitors departed the scene. With this menu I am curious to see if they are taking a different approach with expanded hours and possibly trying to draw-in more people from Orient Village, Grand Case, etc. Also curious to see if U.S. currency is accepted at matching prices to the Euro here. This was the case in the past. If these prices match for U.S. funds then better to pay in that manner at this time rather than bringing euros. I also noticed that the local 4% tax is included in the listed prices rather than being tacked-on afterwards. Thanks again for all your efforts with this!