SXMScubaman, that’s a good question. It would seem like a waste of perfume. Unless the bottles are really expensive, which I highly doubt.

Day 4 (March 26, 2019)

I Did: We spent the morning at Parrot Ville. These parrots were so FRIENDLY! The let you pet them and would even step up on your fingers! We were given small tubs of food so we could feed them. They birds would come up to us and perch on the tubs. My shoe came untied, and one of the birds even chased the lace on the floor! We spent the afternoon at Orient Beach (the south end). I didn’t swim this time; I mainly relaxed on the beach and waded knee deep in the water.
I Ate: I had a cheeseburger at Perch Lite.
I Bought: A magnet from a souvenir shop.
I Wore: I wore a tee shirt and a pair of gym shorts to Parrot Ville. I took the shorts off, so basically I just wore the shirt for the beach.
I Thought: Why are the parrots in pet stores always trying to bite?