BeachKitten, you are correct. My parents paid for everything except a few souvineers I got and the Tennis lesson.

Day 7 (March 29, 2019)

I Did: It was a quad day! We started in Philipsburg, where we were given (thankfully clean!) helmets. We first stopped at Maho Bay, where we saw planes flying over us. We also stopped at Marigot, where we were given time to shop, and Rotary Lookout Point, where they let us dip our feet in the water to cool off. We finished off the tour at Great Bay, where we spent an hour or so on the boardwalk.
I Ate: There was a Hard Rock Cafe in Philipsburg! I have chicken Fajitas.
I Bought: A bracelet at Marigot.
I Wore: I wore a tee shirt an gym shorts.
I Thought: Please don’t let me be achy all over tomorrow!