A couple of years ago our crew had finished preparations for pushing-off the Voyage Charter dock at Soper's Hole when we noticed a new group boarding the cat behind us. The ladies were wearing cocktail dresses and high heels and the whole group had drinks in their hands and a cigarette in their lips. (It was morning on the fuel dock) While we were watching with a WTF look on our faces, Kimo passes by and calmly asks if I have any questions, because he doesn't have time to give us a briefing. He said his hands would be full for the next several hours with the boat and crew in mention. I was familiar with the boat and responded we were good to go. Raine helped us out the slip and put us on our way. I have no idea what ever happened to the other boat and crew, as we never saw them during the week and neglected to ask Kimo when we returned.

Noel Hall
"It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
