I am sitting here in Easter Canada looking out the window as we get dumped on again and the thermometer drops again tonight to -20 . Dreaming about BVI and reading about the swell conditions in the next few days. It will be bumpy out there for sure .

Our teaching captain on our ASA sailing school 10 years or so ago taught us to look at the monohulls in an anchorage to see what their masts are doing...if much movement, not a good idea to get a ball by them. We hovered at the mouth of CGB while I tried to decide and then was told I took too long so we headed out ...Lesson learned - he was a strict teacher and especially hard on me .
Cats don’t move as much of course but still can be uncomfortable .

Very important to watch weather and pay attention to forecasts ...and then sometimes the swell comes quickly and overnight...had a few rolly unexpected nights at Cane awakening to locals surfing on the breakers .

We have hidden at great Harbour Peter Island, the bight Norman isn’t bad , Trellis in close to shore . Road Town would be pretty protected also . We have been pretty comfortable in North Sound VG too but bouncy at the dock. Reef Song used to live on a ball at the back of the mooring field in better times Pre Irma .

I am sure those with experience will chime in .

....and this forum is an awesome place to learn ..all questions welcomed
