We decided to have Painkillers last night while we watched Kenny Chesney talk about his new album on YouTube. I bought the Coco Lopez a week or so ago at my local Publix. I know that Coco Lopez likes to congeal, so I took it out of the pantry a couple of times during the week and shook it up. When I put it back on the shelf I laid it on it's side or turned it upside down.

So, Painkiller time comes, and I open the Coco Lopez and pour into a 2 cup Pirex measuring cup. I then whisked the h_ll out of it to make it mix together.

But when I made the drinks, the Cocoa Lopez didn't mix well, and there were LOTS of little pieces of coconut in the drinks. A bit off-putting, not like that place on JVD at all.

So what am I doing wrong. I've made bunches of PKs along the way, and I can't ever remember this happening.

Does anyone have a tip or technique that I should use to make the Coco Lopez mix well w/ the rest of the stuff.

Many thanks in advance ... and stay safe. This, too, shall pass.

Bill on Daniel Island