Obviously many here are extremely eager to finalize travel itineraries for their vacations or to get to their place in the BVI in December and beyond, and it’s been a long, painful wait for everyone - moreso for those who have been dealing with the harshest effects of this pandemic. And with the anticipated details of that opening still not forthcoming, many have become even less patient.
We also can’t wait to return and see the friends we’ve made there, contribute to the businesses, and enjoy the beauty. But we want everyone there to be safe too, and not experience the same fall back to stay-at-home that the USVI and many states in the US have as travel opens up. So we hope to see the Dec 1 details soon, but things can change as that is two months away...
Waiting patiently...

"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you.”
-Anthony Bourdain