So, we anchored in Lee Bay on the west side of Great Camanoe. When you enter the bay, the depth goes from the mid 40s to 12 pretty quickly. This tends to make you want to set, which we did in a small sandy spot surrounded by rocks. I snorkled over the anchor and kept going. The ground levels off and very gradually goes to 10 and you get out of the rocks and into beautiful sand, then it continues to very gradually go to 8'. I mean, this is over about 150'. By now, you feel like you're a couple of boat lengths from the beach (which is pebbly, weirdly enough). We reset and backed off with plenty of scope in good holding, all sand. The breeze funnels through a natural cut in the island but the water is flat and the anchorage is quiet. We spent 2 nights there while waiting for our day 4 test results. A skiff came by, the same one as we saw at Great Harbor, Peter Island, in the morning with ice and to pick up trash.

Last edited by Latadjust; 05/26/2021 08:48 PM. Reason: Typo