A lot of people appear to book a place first and ask questions later. A better approach when booking a hotel, rental property, AirBnB, etc. is, if possible, talk to live person and have a short list of questions regarding additional fees and service charges. I've experienced some crazy add-on fees here in the states that I never would have thought possible. But, once I uncovered them I simply didn't book with them and found another place. So, a possible list of questions could be ... 1). do you charge any type of resort fee; 2). is there an added charge applied for using the pool or other facilities on the property; 3). what is the local tax rate and when applied what is the final daily charge; and 4). do you offer an AARP discount or senior discount (which should apply to most of us on the board). As J.D. mentions above it is important to get to the bottom line, so asking questions is often the best way to do that.