Got IDNOW tests at 2:15 p.m. on Friday. Received the wife's results in about 45 minutes but mine took 2 hours (was getting nervous that there might be a problem). Had application forms submitted to St. Maarten by 6:00 p.m. and approvals back in about an hour. Went to bed Friday night knowing we were good to go.....a nice feeling. Pre-approval forms and test results were checked in both Jacksonville and Miami with no issues. Plane arrived early yesterday and we were in our unit by 3:00 p.m. Now if the weather will just clear up.....which it will. Couple of points.....Insurance cost was $15 per person and they are requiring 5 days of temperature checks. Wife and I both got our email requests this morning and responded promptly. Here for three weeks so ready for sand gravity to set in.
