Originally Posted by crsxm
Enjoying your daily updates -- never thought of those butterflies as snowflakes. You so are right, sometimes the hillside is just filled with them and it is like "island snow".

We've never been to Gutside? or at least I don't think we have --where's it located?

We were fascinated by Gutside as we would drive by it enroute to Friars Baie so finally, quite a few years back, we stopped in on our way to the beach and made a reservation. It’s on the main road going to Friars on the right just after you turn to go to the beach. We hadn’t been back for years but when the invitation to join the Anzalones was offered we jumped at the opportunity to go and not to have to drive.

Thank you, Terry and Rit. We thoroughly enjoyed the ride, the meal and the company. 🙂🙂

I would love to take credit for the terminology but it was coined long before I ever thought of it. But it does seem so appropriate, doesn’t it?!



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat