The proverbial sh*t is starting to hit the fan.

The partiers and organizer were recently chastised by both Prime Minister Trudeau and the Premier of Quebec, and have been generally castigated by public opinion here. The organizer reportedly has a less-than-stellar reputation in Quebec for some financial misdealing under a previous name.

Two of the so-called "influencers" seen on the various videos were identified by their employers and have now lost their jobs, according to this CTV News Montreal bureau report. Two other female passengers are young, aspiring pilots (not the ones flying the aircraft that day) who blog about their training. Transport Canada is now reviewing their certification status. That can't be good!

According to this and other reports, so far 27 of the approximately 130 to 150 passengers have managed to return to Canada via other airlines and each has been tested for Covid-19 and interviewed at the border by CBSA and Transport Canada officials. If they are found to have violated current health or Transport Canada regulations, they could face fines or bans.

Last edited by CanuckTravlr; 01/08/2022 01:01 AM.