Breakfast on lanai watching the world go by.

In the afternoon we headed to Porto Cupecoy hoping to eat at Big Ceres but nothing on menu hit out fancy, what with hubby’s diet restrictions. Lots of shellfish on their menu.

Since Rendevous had a private party we decided to peruse the menu at Mama. Waiting to be seated a beautiful blonde (hubby’s words) came up to us and said “Rondon?” I turned and saw behind me a handsome man wearing a whales tale on a neck chain.....had to be Whaletail.

Could not convince them to dine with us for they said they’d had a big breakfast. So they joined us for drinks and conversation. Great couple. I’m glad we got to meet. Hearing the music at Rendevous from the distance of Mamas was better than up close.

Headed back to BSV and napped on lanai. Later nourished ourselves with cheese, grapes and some wine and called it a night.

Days are fleeing