Trusting your info is spot on, as it usually is, I can’t imagine how they could possibly generate that kind of monthly revenue there, not to mention all the other expenses and in the end, this little thing called profit that all businesses hope to generate.

Depending on what one considers important to their vacation needs, it’s a tough spot. Plenty of parking but pretty crummy access given the oft-times flooded access road. When the sargassum is plentiful around the island, sadly, too much of it ends up in that corner/end of the beach.

With regard to the restaurant, I’ve never been disappointed but I’m not too picky about meals either. The servers have all been lovely to us but we mostly do breakfast and salad lunches there and they’ve all been enjoyed. I would imagine, given the out of the way location well off the beaten track, it’s got to be tough to keep a good kitchen/wait staff there when there are so many other viable restaurant locations on the island.

I for one will definitely miss EZB and feel sad to learn of it’s demise.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat