At the airport, you can get someone in line and anyone can take you to Orient. You should confirm the price ahead of time though, before you get in the cab.

I would suggest that you make arrangements ahead of time, if you plan on using taxis only, to get to Grand Case or Marigot. You can contact Wilfred Brooks here on the sponsors page to check on prices, etc. and make arrangements. Understand, you will have to make arrangements when they drop you off, for someone to pick you up afterwards, as there are generally NOT taxis just hanging around in either place.

It really depends on how much you plan on using the car and whether you will need to stop for groceries, etc. By the time you figure in the trips to and from the airport, the cost of a couple of taxi rides per week could come close to the cost to rent a car. To me, I want to be able to pick up and go someplace when I want to go, and not wait on someone to come pick me up, but that's me.

Carol Hill