All such helpful info. I shared this and her doctor gave her a script for the patch. (Easy!!). I also found out she’s never been on a boat. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 hard to imagine but I guess if you’re from Arizona it’s more likely. So the sickness only ever came from a long car ride So. That said- if she applies the patch Tuesday and we take the 7:30 ferry to Anegada Wednesday - is there Bonine or anything ALSO? Or is it one or the other ? I will buy ginger candies and have them on the ready too. I think the Anegada ferry from Road Town (which will stop in Virgin Gorda on request) only has a below deck. Memory serves there wasn’t open air seating. I don’t want to over- drug her. 🤣🤣🤣that would be bad. 😝 Can she still have a couple cocktails ? Thank you so much. Oh- and Cleobeach- we would cancel the boat trips if she wasn’t going. Our family goes every year but the whole trip is an early graduation gift for them and since she’s never left the United States - it’s primarily for her. I wouldn’t want to leave her. So this info has been amazing and I feel a lot more relief

What is the best site for me to keep an eye on the swells ? Thank you all.

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