A lot of assumptions and places mentioned that are not guilty of anything but now associated with negative comments, all started by quoting a person known for his third hand information so he can sell his self named product. I would suggest not quoting this person ever, and not reading anything he suggest in the pay to participate program. I would add, this is a person who has self quoted bragging about taking back a cup of coffee to a place and threatening that if they don't give the money back that he would tell his minions. I would be embarrassed to be one of those minions.

Sadly, I keep reading this thread hoping somebody would add something that brings it to a conclusion. Maybe we should pool some money together and hire a private detective!

I have waited to comment at least until after Christmas but my sarcasm and self control has only so much of a reserve that I can fill before spilling over and I have 2024 arriving soon and needed some space in that reserve.

I hope you all have a great New Year and make 2024 everything you hope it can be!

I prefer the Isle seat