A solution in search of a problem...we try to avoid by avoiding Cooper and going to places off cycle

Not to be argumentative but how is this a solution in search of a problem? Are you saying there is not a problem of having more users than balls available (in ball-only areas such as Cooper)? This may not be the optimal solution but certainly there's a problem to solve isn't there?

And yes, one could solve the problem for yourself by going somewhere else but assuming people want to go to a place like Cooper or Anegada and don't want to (or can't) anchor, there's a problem right?

The alternative is FCFS right? Doesn't THAT have its own set of problems?

As someone who hasn't had to deal with this yet - going in June - I'd be interested in hearing strategies, options for when you lose the lottery but want to stay somewhere in the area, etc.

If you (anyone) could design a system to replace Boatyball, how would it work? How should this problem be tackled?