I agree on the brutal part - Everyone has had to do this once before for their first time and had questions. I'd be far more concerned with someone showing up and not knowing how, but doing the research and asking the question here is not something that I think deserves some of the responses given. New members should get a better welcome! Especially Mother Teresa!

As said above, it is very simple. In the BVI, only 1 person needs to check everyone in and out. Usually two of us go. In the USVI you only need to check in, not out and EVERYONE must go. As Mike said, we grab a ball near Caneel but as close to the cruz bay end as possible and dinghy in.

We've done this a few times now. We enjoy the USVI as well as the BVI, so popping over to the USVI every few trips gives us something new to do. It takes a little time, but isn't that big a deal as long as you don't try it when there's a ferry.
