I had this discussion with my wife recently. I told her if I went overboard, she should do the following.

1. Throw the horseshoe over the side - preferably towards me but at least get is in the water for me to swim to.

2. Luff the sails.

3. See if she can communicate with me. If I'm able, I could probably swim to the luffing boat and hopefully get back on board. If I'm knocked out or otherwise hurt, she'd have to come get me.

4. If she has to come get me, turn on the engine and try to circle downwind of me. Try to get relatively close without running me over.

At this point, I'm not sure what to do. If I can't get on board by myself, I don't really know if she would be able to maneuver the boat to be able to pick me up. Maybe she could throw me a line or drag one behind the boat and try to circle me so I could grab it?

This is actually a hard conversation to have with her because she doesn't like thinking about it and kind of shuts down on the whole idea. She's a trooper though and knows we need to think about it.

I think on our next trip at some point I'm just going to say "I'm overboard" and see what she does - and then review of course.