Plan A: I'm conscious, keep me in sight, release the sheets, start engine, disengage autopilot and circle downwind. I will swim to boat when close enough.

Plan B: I'm unconscious, keep me in sight, release the sheets start engine, disengage autopilot and circle downwind while calling mayday on handheld. When close bring dingy to me and try to keep head above water. Attempt to put arms thru underarms, clasp hands together and use knees to pull into dingy.

I figure on > 95% for plan A and < 50% for plan B unless conditions are rough. When we're in rough conditions I always hook in and wear my harness. If I was unconscious I figure I'll at least make it easy for them to find the body.

It is incredibly difficult to rescue an unconscious person.

Had a friend fall off his sailboat. It took the people on the boat about 45 minutes to get back. He said he tried all the survival skills he knew (relax and float, fill pants with air and tie knots in legs - that didn't work so well). Finally he found a loose crab pot float which he says probably saved his life.

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!