My own personal opinion I hate the idea of ruining someone's life or even paying for them to sit in a jail if the guilty meant no harm in the accident. I am no where near as sympathetic to those who went out with crime or harm on their mind. I also have no clue on BVI law but if you possess a captains ticket in the US. You own what happens on the boat if you are anywhere on the boat. Even if you a just a guest hitching a ride and never near the helm. Due to those strick no exceptions rules I have and likely never will turn in the paperwork for a USCG license. Somehow the boat ended up way up on the rocks. That means high speed. There are a number of survivers that know whether that large boat was on plane or not. Somehow the licensed professionals on the boat failed to maintain situational awareness along with a proper lookout. That was likely compounded by speed and alchol. In US waters anyone with a ticket would have no defense. I wish for the best for everyone.