For everyone's information: Acording to the BVI Labor Code of 2010 any gratuity added as a percentage of the bill has to be distributed to ALL the employees less taxes and an administration fee not to exceed 7.5%. For any restaurant with more than 5 employees, how it is distributed is set by a committtee of the employees.

My basic rule is to just pay the service fee if poor service, add 5% in cash directly to the server for good service and maybe 7 or 8% for exceptional service. For truly crappy service I scratch off the service fee and complain to the manager. Fortunately I have only resorted to that once.

Last edited by GlennA; 02/11/2016 01:54 PM.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain