I agree, there are always different sides to every story.

I have known Gerry and Lorilee Cooper for about 18 years. They are both very kind, intelligent people who worked very hard to make their own dreams come true when they built Ke Villas. They are not the ogres some may believe. They just aren't.

Gene and Robin are the salt of the Earth. They put their heart and soul into Gene's restaurant as well as their life savings. When I saw that Gene, Robin and the Coopers had joined forces, I was thrilled ... and immediately thought that together, they would be unstoppable. The perfect marriage so to speak.

Gene had a bad experience at another location in Carrot Bay and was forced to walk away. I find it almost impossible to believe it could happen again. They simply don't deserve such bad luck.

Based on what I have heard, I believe there may have been a long series of misunderstandings that lead up to this particularly sad situation, and hold out hope that good things will come of it.

Regardless of where they end up, I know Gene and Robin will be successful. I hate cliches but truly believe that everything happens for good reason and when one door closes, another opens. Everyone is pulling for them. I wouldn't count them out just yet.