Carole, here's the recipe

French Onion Soup

5 cups sliced red onions
3 TBS Butter
1 TBS Oil
2 qts Beef Stock
1/2 cup white wine
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 TBS Cognac (optional)

Cook onions slowly in the butter/oil over low heat covered for 15 minutes.
Remove cover, increase heat to moderate and cook 40 minutes stirring frequently until onions are brown.
Add 2 quarts of boiling beef stock or beef bouillon to which the wine has been added. Add salt and pepper to taste, partially cover and simmer gently for 40 minutes.

Just before serving add the Cognac if using.

To serve place slice of French bread (that has been toasted in 325 deg oven for 30 mins)in bottom of each bowl, brush with melted butter, sprinkle lightly with garlic salt or rub with garlic clove, sprinkle with grated Parmesean, fill with soup, sprinkle with more cheese, put under broiler until cheese melts. Enjoy!

The woman I got this recipe from uses Gruyere cheese I believe though it was so long ago that I could be mistaken. I use more than the five cups of onions because Paul loved a lot of onions in his onion soup. The best I ever made was with some homemade beef broth. But I don't have that around very often. I do use Swanson's Fat Free low sodium broth and I think it is so much better than others. I have used half chicken and half beef broth at times depending upon my mood or which I have the most of.

Oh almost forgot...the original recipe called for sprinkling a couple of tablespoons of flour on onions after cooking them and cooking the flour for a few minutes and then add the broth to thicken the soup. Since I do not care for it that way I had omitted it from the recipe. So if you like a thicker broth than do the flour thing.


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