Teresa and Ed,

I hear and feel your frustration, and who wouldn't be frustrated, having been put through the ringers as you were!

I truly hope you both - along with many others who experienced the same thing - have sent copies of your letters to your air carriers, the airport management and the Department of Tourism regarding your feelings towards the treatment you received. And it might not hurt to bombard the local newspapers 'Letters to the Editors' columns.

We will be there soon and already I'm not looking forward to leaving and all the pitfalls they seem to have created. In honesty, our December trip coming home wasn't too bad but the one before that was terrible and once again, all because of poor handling and treatment by the people at PJIA.

If people don't complain, nothing will ever improve so a well written letter might just start the ball rolling. But in the meantime, thanks for the heads-up - I knew it wasn't good but I really didn't know how bad it sounds like it is.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat