Well, it's over! Tough to get out of the water for the last time this year. Talked and talked about forgetting to go to the airport and just coming back to the beach one more time, but then we heard our cat Creamsicle purring in our ear we knew it was time to pack it in.

Started vacation knowing that my wife had just been diagnosed with acute appendicitis 5 days before we were to leave. The surgeon said he was going to treat it with antibiotics instead of taking it out. She spent a night in the hospital with an IV drip and then a 10 day prescription for two meds to take everyday. Surgeon said many European countries have been treating appendicitis for years with antibiotics. Said we could go to the French hospital if necessary. So, Carol thought she would see how it goes. Everyone we talked to on the island had never heard of not taking out the appendix, many of those from European countries. Then, wouldn't you know it that the hospital on the French side where we were staying caught fire. She did survive and we had a great three weeks of fun in the sun.

Made our mandatory two trips to Marigot and two trips to Philipsburg and bought the traditional piece of jewelry in Philipsburg for Carol and the traditional t-shirt at Secret Spot in Marigot for me. She keeps telling me that some year I should buy more t-shirts to make up for her jewels, but I already have over a dozen t-shirts and can't wear them all now.

We stayed at a villa above Orient once again and had a great view. Even saw the huge fire on Orient Beach one day. The water sports shop that is near the old site of the old Boo Boo Jam that burned down years ago caught fire and really put on a show for the beach crowd.

We had a few days of rain off an on, but that gave our tan a chance to settle in without the red burnie look that many have when they first get there. Made visits to the Butterfly farm and Sunset Bar and Grill to see the planes. We chose a day when there were zero cruise ships and found SSBG to be nearly empty.

Many meals were in Orient Village with a few in Grand Case and one trip to the Greenhouse in Philipsburg. While on the island I wrote a daily addition to my blog, but did not begin to publish the stories until the day we left. Carol believes our house and pet sitter won't be bothered by strangers by doing it that way. Might be true since the sitter has never reported anyone trying to break in our house during the past 15 years.

If you care to read a few of my blog postings, click on the link directly under my story. I have perhaps 25 stories and you'll have to check daily to read all of them. We have already planned our vacation for next year and will be counting the days as soon as our trip to the Jersey shore with the family and trip to Provo with friends are over.

As usual, we used some of the info from this site during our trip and found our experience was enhanced by all the knowledge and nonsense that is part of TTOL. Thanks for helping make our vacation one to remember!

Last edited by Carol_Hill; 05/12/2016 05:30 PM.