This extended weekend in South Florida has had four sunny days, but it's been too windy for me to go to Haulover, so my friend and I decided to check out Seminole again since I hadn't been there yet this season.

This is an interesting situation for those who remember it. A few years ago, somebody purchased the property and announced that they planned to close it in two years and develop a (textile) facility there. They later decided to keep it as it is, but then decided to try to convert it into a lifestyle resort. I don't believe they've been very successful in the latter. But first some background.

When I first started going to Seminole (which is, I believe, the oldest nudist resort in South Florida), it was a "quaint" place. It was fairly small, but with a lot of trailers packed into that small area. There was an island where two moneys lived. There was an area with a very nice canopy of trees and shrubs. The restaurant had dozens of picture of aircraft from airshows and the room to the left had mailboxes, a pool table, and other "stuff".

Over the years, all of these have been eliminated. First one and then the second monkey died, a hurricane took out the canopy and recent renovations changed the restaurant and room next door. The restaurant now looks pretty bland, with a bar as the main feature. The room next door now just has a bunch of "high top" tables and is decorated in black with some theater-style lights. They've moved the pool table and mailboxes into the room that used to be the gym and moved the gym equipment into a tent. Since last year, they've replaced the chairs around the pool, which used to be the plastic style with cushions, with ones that have a dense netting. I find that those can often be uncomfortable, but the ones they had were fine. I have a recollection of the pool having a deep section, but it doesn't now. The pool used to be unheated. Since it's warmer now, I can't tell. I think it still is, though it was 78.

We were there from 11 AM to 3:30 PM yesterday (Sunday). We saw only two people around the pool when we arrived and it increased to perhaps 8-10 people. As far as we could tell, they were all the French Canadian demographic that's always been there, though the average age was slightly younger than in the past. To us, they did not appear to be lifestyle people, but rather nudists.

We were told that there was a party the previous night that went from around 9 PM to 3 AM. It's quite possible that there were lifesylers there then, but I really think the place is too small to be of interest to lifestylers. There are something like six hotel rooms and I don't how many rental trailers (I think not many). The room where they have the dances is the one that now has the pool table, so the dance floor is very small.

It appeared yesterday that the major effect during the day of calling it "lifestyle friendly" is that children are no longer allowed, but that could well vary depending on when you visit: we were only there one day this season.

They have a restaurant and bar that's open Thursday through Sunday, but when we were there the restaurant had run out of a number of ingredients and had to improvise.

Seminole isn't a place I'd recommend going to any trouble to visit, since it's pretty bland, but it is the closest place to Ft. Lauderdale airport where you can enjoy the sun nude, so if you have limited time, it's an option to consider. And if you, like me, like a variety of places to go to, I'd suggest adding it to your list.