Hi Everyone,

This will be very short, as we did nothing for two weeks but let sand gravity set in. This report will jump around as to time sequence. It will be convoluted and disjointed, but so what!? Let me start from the end, and then get out of whack. Our last night on the island, and at Club Orient, was spent at the TTOL party at Baywatch on Orient Beach. This time was even better than last year, if that's possible. Bob and Marla, along with David and Regina, pulled off a great shindig. Bob and Marla brought along Mardi Gras beads for everyone. Hundreds of them! David and Regina had nametags made up for all pre-registered folks. They had ample blank tags for 'walk-ins', of which there were quite a few. Earlier in our stay, we had gotten together with Bob and Marla, and they told us to grab people off the beach to bring to the party. We did just that, after touting the TTOL 'party line'. LOL Cheryl and Andy provided the music, which was very enjoyable, and a body painter, which many folks partook of. Both Bob and David took pictures, but I am not sure how many of those can be posted. Anyway, we may have a few new TTOL'ers, and I hope that they had as much fun as Pam and I did.

The first night we stayed, we went to Papagayo's to have a drink. We sat in the middle of the bar and had a toast to Carl Stone, as he will miss this year. We enjoyed doing that for him. That meant a lot to us.

We never went shopping. Yes, you heard correctly. No jewelry. Sometimes you can just get jewelried out. Okay, dissenters, call me on that one. LOL We did get to drive along the new Front street, though. Very pretty. We had a lovely couple from England staying in the next room from us, and they were planning to hire a car for three days. We drove them around for a bit, so that they would have an idea of direction when they got out and about. It just so happens that the four of us were on our way to Sunset Beach Bar to hook up with Bob and Marla. It was fun to watch the planes, while the three girls drank for free. We'd go to SSBB again.

We never went out to a 'fancy' restaurant. Had breakfast at Baywatch once, Papagayo's once. Had lunch at Baywatch once, Papagayo's once, Pedro's twice. Had lunch at Talk of the Town Lolo. We can remember when the 'lolo's' were really lolo's. Before the hurricane. They really were just women on the side of the road, cooking on half of a 55 gallon drum with a grill. They had coolers with all of their side dishes. It's only been since the hurricane that they all look like mini-restaurants. The old way was more exotic.

On the same day that we visited the lolo's, we made a stop to a French gourmet store in Grande Case, called Bounty. One would fair better to speak French, but we got by in broken French on our part, and broken English on theirs. We so thoroughly enjoyed this store, that we went back a second time. What we purchased there was basically snacks, and that was what sustained us for the rest or our trip. When I say snacks, I don't mean CheezDoodles. We had meats, cheeses, salads, breads, fine inexpensive wines, desserts, etc. We'll certainly utilize that establishment again. Pam is planning to take a course in French at the local adult ed school. Next time in Bounty, we won't have to point, as much. LOL We have found, however, that if Americans try to at least say 'good morning, how are you?, please, thank you', etc, it goes a long way to make your stay, and their waiting on you, pleasurable. Another morning we went out early to watch the motorcycle races, but they were not there. We assume it was because of Boxing Day. So we went to Grande Case for coffee and pastry. It was that little shop at the intersection of where the one way road joins the other. No English spoken here at 6:30 on a Sunday morning. We didn't care. With the aforementioned stock phrases, we got our coffee and croissants and did just fine.

We stayed in a mini-suite for the first time, having opted for a studio all of these years. For the very few extra dollars, we'll choose the mini-suite again. Re: Club O in general, we could not detect any changes as far as new management. We would, however, liked to have met the new manager at the two 'manager's wine and cheese parties' that we attended. Rient Brink always showed up at them. It was good to see familiar faces at L'Orientique. We also supplemented our 'dining in', with this shop. For the few extra cents per item involved, it saves having to go out. At this point I should say that on the way from the airport, we stopped at Ram's in Cole Bay, to do major provisioning. Beer, water, liquor, coffee, etc. Then, supplementation can occur at L'Orientique and Bounty. We are seriously thinking of not renting a car for next Christmas. We can take a taxi, and have it stop at a market for us to stock up. We can eat at beach bars, as well as in the room. We can take a bus to Bounty in Grande Case. (Yes, I know that it is a long walk to the road, but it will be an adventure) We can always hire a car for a day or two. To rent a car for two weeks, and use it three days, is folly.

One of our going out days, we stopped to assist a fellow on a motorscooter at the end of the road by the hiway. As soon as we asked him how we could help, he started in with the time share spiel. No thank you, have a nice day. On another of our going out days, we spotted a woman sitting in a car near the butterfly farm. As soon as she saw us, she got out, and started walking towards us. I didn't even stop; just waved her away. Have a nice day. I thought that these time share hawkers were only near the pier in P'burg. Oh well.

We made quite a few new friends this trip, and renewed previous year's friendships. But, then, isn't that what going to St. Martin is all about? A friend from last year, Kevin, saw me walking to Pedro's wearing a pair of shorts. (Pam and I have taken to wearing bottoms past Club O in the middle of the day) Later, when he and Theresa, and Pam and I walked down to Sexy Fruits, he insisted on buying me a thong to wear on my mid-day excursions. Now, my body isn't the greatest, but it's not the worst either. It is 55 years old though, and shouldn't be sporting a thong. I wore it.

Hopefully, many of the newcomers to the TTOL party will post their observations, or at least say 'hello'. One other note. The security at Club O was great as usual, with a special nod to Victor, who will be there eighteen years next week.

Sorry we couldn't have been more informative, but that's how sand gravity works. Sure is a long time to next Dec. If I've forgotten anything, I'll post it later. Thanks for reading.

Be safe. Sun well.

Wayne & Pam <><