We had decided to go into Philipsburg to do some shopping this morning. A day away from the beach. The hotel advised that there was a storm coming and we should be cautious. A bit of rain and some wind were encountered on the way to Philipsburg. . When we got to the first jewelry store at about 10:20 AM they advised that the government had told them that all businesses had to close up by 11:00AM due to the pending storm. We left the store as they were closing the doors behind us. In the car, the radio alert advised that we should not use the roads after 4:00 PM as they expect flooding. As we drove back I had to stop along the coastline and take a few shots. The wind had kicked up quite a bit. I was able to take a few pictures and a panoramic shot. Otherwise, most of the pictures were taken while my wife was shopping. Since we have never been in a "stage red" tropical storm before, this will prove to be an interesting event. We did stop by the market and stock up on Cheetos, chocolate and some wine.

Enjoying the adventure!!

Hope you enjoy the pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rmg49/

As I was trying to download this to Flickr, the power at the hotel went out and cut off the transmission of the pictures. I am trying to send it again. If there are duplicates, that is the reason.

Also, at about 3:30 PM I took a short video from the balcony of the wind and rain coming in.