Arrived 31 Mar with the onset of the 20 to 35 knot winds and left 6 Apr, the day after we left the wind died down and skies cleared. As mentioned in other posts the weather was awful, yeah better then home but not what you go to the Caribbean to experience. That makes two years (same week) in a row with the whole stay of bad weather.

Have never seen Orient so deserted. The wind, the cold, the rough water, on and off mid day beach clearing showers had something to do with that I presume. The weather shut down many island water activities for the week. The high Euro and then the bad weather can only be hurting local biz that week. Also feel bad for anybody that rented a bareboat/charter boat for the week as they were all stuck in port or huddled in some sheltered cove for the week.

This time did not rent a car and just did the taxi thing. That worked out fine with stopping on the way to CO for groceries. Walked to Orient village one night (with a group) and felt safe. But then again no criminal would be out there in that weather anyway.

Two meals at Papagayos, one OK the other, well should have cooked in that night. Now we’re not expecting gourmet but at least something on par with a TGI Fridays. Did cook in a few dinners and most lunches and appear lots of others doing the same. You got to believe it’s the Euro for all the eating in. Sure was our case. Good dinner at the Safari Grill in Orient Village (wish Papagayos had that menu) and an outstanding meal, probably one of the best I ever had in Grand Case, at the Sunset Beach Café at the Grand Case Beach Club. Philippe waited on us that night and was a howl, haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. With the Euro it was also the most expense meal we ever had in Grand Case.

CO is looking great. Everything is very well maintained and up to date. The nicest people. Appeared to be quite a few 40 somethings staying at CO that week. Did not rent a phone but did bring our MagicJack VoIP with us and hooked it up to our PC. Phone worked like at home, receiving and making calls free calls using our US phone number.

Did have some excitement. Late one afternoon rescued a kite surfer who crashed off the point at CO. He got dragged across the coral and got his hands cut up. Had some other small cuts and scrapes but was otherwise one lucky kid. His kite got ripped up on the reef. What was amazing was when we walked him back to CNS they didn’t even seem to care, about him or the kite.

Another exciting adventure was on the only day TikoTiko sailed, Friday (4th), that week. The winds died down to a placid 20 knots and was also the only day it did not rain that week. Philippe did an expert job navigating the 15 foot swells thought the reef opening on the way to Tintamarre. Lots of water over the top and a few folks felt a bit queasy for the day due the rough seas but what a ride! The pay off was a deserted Tintamarre.

Got tanned, got relaxed, spent time with good friends and drank and ate too much, all signs of a successful vacation.

Will not be returning to St. Martin next year after many years of going. Factors include, mostly the need to try new things and spread our wings and to the lesser extent the Euro and the jinx of us plus SXM is equal to bad weather.