We just returned from BVIs 3 days ago and had a fabulous time. Trip Observation Report forthcoming.

In the meantime, I remember a recent thread on credit card fraud on cards used while vacationing in the BVIs.

Today I noticed fraudulent activity on one of the cards we used while vacationing. We only used this particular card approximately 3 times (AMEX and not readily accepted).

In any event for those whom encountered credit card fraud, what type of fraud and what did you do to resolve?

The fraud that happened to us is a new card was requested to be fedex-ed overnight as our card had been "lost". Fortunately I was alerted by email that our new card request had been processed and the card was on its way.

I called the credit card company immediately to report we did not report a lost card nor did we request a new card.

In order to request a new card (and convince the credit card company they were the owner of the card) the perpetrator would have to have personal information such as an address and DOB. This information was provided to one or possibly 2 vendors on this trip.

Has anyone else experienced this type of fraud?