I'm going to throw in my two cents here and say that if you are arriving on December 26? I don't know that I'd want my booze order sitting around the charter company for a few days -- since they will more than likely deliver it before Christmas Eve as I am sure they are not open on Christmas Day. 12/26 is Boxing Day but stores may well still be open. That said....I am fairly certain the charter company would not take out your beer and refrigerate it for you - I love BVI Yacht Charters but I highly doubt they would offer to unpack and refrigerate my booze order and hold it until I got there to load it onto my boat a few days later. So...you might be dealing with beer that's been sitting around warm for a while -- or downright hot, depending on where they store it for you. Riteway was great about delivering everything on time for us and we shopped for whatever else we needed ourselves. Just my two cents. I wouldn't try it at that time of year but that's just me....

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